Hello there & welcome!

I have always had a fascination with the world around me. At an early age I fell in love with airports…sitting in the observation deck at Auckland International watching the planes take off and land. I didn’t realise at the time, but those gates and terminals would equal adventure. A way to explore the world and everything it had to offer.

This dream become a reality in 2012 when I moved from Auckland to London as part of a job transfer. London made me aware of a few things very quickly…my tea obsession, my love of discovery and how much I loved to write. I began traveling on my days off and soon realised, the more I traveled, the more I wanted to keep traveling.

At the beginning of 2016 I started the blog for two main reasons. Firstly, as part of a new years resolution. To travel to a new place every month of the year and write about it along they way. And secondly, to keep in touch with friends and family back home. Blogging about my travels was the best way to keep in touch with everyone. Instead of writing individual emails, it allowed me to have one central place to write about life on the opposite side of the world.

The more I trips I embark on, the more I am discovering the beauty within the moments of transit. The moments themselves are pretty mundane. Traveling from one place to another. Waiting for a bus, train or flight. Each one has a quiet beauty to it. Maybe because each one holds potential for discovery. The potential for something new.

Come along on the journey. Adventure is waiting!
