Aberdeen, Scotland


D21 M09

Arriving into Aberdeen was not what I expected at all. The airport is similar in size to the domestic ones back home and as long as you can understand the thick Scottish accent, getting the bus into the centre of town is pretty straight forward. I could not…just a slight problem. The result of this was me having to fake my way the exchange, pretending to understand everything the guy was telling me. It’s very entertaining to think about it now. I’ve discovered in those moments all you can do is just go with it and hope for the best. It is an adventure after all…right?

Finding the accommodation was pretty straight forward thanks again to google maps (even if it started to rain), resulting in a simple ten minute walk. I had an lovely room at the hotel, and after a long day of travel, a very welcome solace indeed. It looked across Union Terrace gardens and toward the centre of town. If I wasn’t so tired I would have gone out and looked around a little bit more.

img_6347The first impression I received of the town itself the next morning was the colour, everything seemed to have some sort of grey tone to it. More interesting than anything else. During my past travels I’ve discovered its usually the people that bring colour to the places. Everyone I came in contact with were so lovely and helpful.

The first call of the day was tea…obviously. CUP is one of the best finds I came across during my time in Aberdeen. I fell in love with it for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it has its own tea menu and secondly, the best cups and saucers! I could have stayed there all day. It’s a small cafe near the centre of town, down a cute cobbled side street. Perfection? I think so. The walls are lined with prints and soft colours, which make it very easy to sip the morning (or afternoon) away.

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One of the main reasons I chose Aberdeen as a place to visit (not only because of my love of Scotland), but also for the proximity to the coast. It had been at least six months since I had seen a coastline and this kiwi was having serious withdrawls. The Aberdeen coastline did not disappoint. There is something about being beside the rolling, uncontrollable waves that makes life slow down, make more sense and renew the soul. It was rugged and wild just like the west coast back home. The only down side? It is freezing in April! Be sure to back a good coat and scarf. You’ll thank me later.


img_6387The walk back to the centre of town doesn’t take to long…unless you get lost. Yep, I got geographically confused again. But as usual, it resulted in finding something I wouldn’t have if the map was followed. Located at Pocra Quay, a group of houses (and a Michelin star restaurant) on the waterfront that provide a panoramic view along the coast and are the perfect background when looking across the bay. Another helpful coincidence to getting lost is finding the mall. Union Square is one of the main shopping areas within Aberdeen and has most of the major brands London does. Very helpful information for all my retail addicted friends out there.

My final day in Aberdeen started similarly to the one before…searching for a great cup of tea. The coffee house was a welcome find. A short walk from the centre of town and you’ll be treated by long wooden tables, bay windows and all the cushions you can handle! They also now how to make a great scone…key to any cream tea situation. Due to the showers outside, I was happy to take shelter in one of the cushioned bay windows, watching the rain trail down the window pane and hit the cobbles outside…and do a little writing too. At a later discovery, I found out that on Friday and Saturday the cafe turns into a bar…complete with live music. If only I was there over the weekend!


Not far from the coffee house is a street of boutique shops (it would be rude not to), that then link onto the main shopping area at the centre of town. One of my faves was Juniper. Defiantly worth a look. It ranges in homewares, gifts and some Scottish treats too. A couple of streets down you will find Bon Accord and St Nicholas, these are the other main shopping centres and if you’ve got time to fill in (or just love shopping as much as me) are worth a peruse. It was very difficult to leave this wonderful little city and head back to reality that evening.

Sending hugs and smiles,


April 9th - 11th 2016


British Airways return LHR-ABZ & ABZ-LHR


Mercure Aberdeen Caledonian Hotel