Hello again everyone! The trip to Bavaria was to be the first one of 2016. One of my new years resolutions this year (among the many), is to travel to a different place every month. Challenge accepted my friends…and you all get to come along for the journey! This trip was a ‘girls getaway’ with Annie and Melissa to Germany. Not only see a different part of the country itself, but also to tick another sight off my ‘travel dream list’….Neuschwanstein Castle. It is just as stunning as the pictures suggest, but more on that later.

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Hello everyone and welcome back. Im back dating these blog posts a little so Im starting in December last year to try and catch up a bit…so here we go! Annie and I headed to Basel for an early birthday (for Annie) and Christmas trip. Neither of us really knew what to expect apart from what a google image search showed us…hello adventure! Everything was booked two days before departure, which is becoming more and more common for us…we think it adds to the fun.

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