I don’t know where I’m going, but you’ll find me there


D21 M01

Right, lets be real. It’s been a while since I’ve been on the blog. At the beginning of last year I had the intention of writing at least each month. I wasn’t expecting it to, but life got pretty full on during the first few months of the year and to be honest, I completely lost momentum as the months past by. Between moving house from one side of London to the other and my hectic work schedule, it has been a constant struggle to find time to catch my breath. 

Because I was flying so much over Christmas and new years, its only over this past couple of weeks that I have been able to stop and think about the year ahead in more detail, both in respects to travel and what I would like to achieve as a whole. In the sprit of learning from your mistakes, i’m going to learn from mine, by only making one resolution…to write more. Specifically, to blog more.

I’m currently taking a little time on my days off to pause and create a vision for what I would like the blog to look and feel like this year. The one thing I do know however, is that I’m going to attempt to write here twice a month. Something challenging, yet achievable…I think. 

So here I go again. No plans, yet ready for the unknown. A new year and the same me. Learning, traveling and trying to become more of the person I was destined to be. I don’t know where I’m going, but you’ll find me there.

Let’s do this. 

Sending hugs & smiles,