Hello & Welcome Back


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11887868_10207263779297595_4721367795610472038_nHello everyone and welcome to the new year. Now, for the new people joining us, hello and a hearty welcome to you. For the originals…welcome back. By now you will be ever so familiar with how my emails begin…so settle in, make sure your cup of tea (or coffee…I won’t hold that against you) is freshly brewed and enjoy.

This year, I’ve moved the format across from sending emails to friends and family around the world, to a blog. I know, I know…it’s all very exciting. This means not only will it be more easily accessible, but for those of you not linked in to Instagram or Facebook, you will now get to see photos as well – it’s a win for all involved. I will be using Instagram while in away on trips and uploading Facebook albums when I get back. So many options!

So, make sure your passport is packed, your tray table in the upright position and lets have some adventures together!

Sending hugs and smiles,