Love day


D14 M02

Okay, time for a moment of honesty. I used to despise Valentines day. Whenever it would roll around, I would make sure I was either working or alternatively, had plans locked in with some of my closest girlfriends in hopes of avoiding the day at all costs. Why would I participate in a day that highlighted my singleness and excluded me because of it?

A couple of years ago I had a bit of a revelation moment in the form of an Instagram post. What the photo was, I still can not remember. The caption however, I can. It simply read ‘Happy love day’. Upon reading this, a seed was planted in my mind. Over the following weeks and months, it began to take hold within my thoughts…growing into something bigger than I was expecting it to.

By simply changing the title, in turn changes the outcome. I became a fan of February 14th. No longer despising it, but taking full advantage of a day focused on love. Yes, typically its designated for romantic love, sure. But it doesn’t have to be. Love is love, in all its different forms. It can be whatever you want it to be.

Everyone wants to love and be loved. I went from feeling sorry for myself and wanting the day to be over so badly, that I missed the potential that the day held within it. I have since decided to use the day to spread love. Sure, it probably isn’t in any big way, but I have discovered that the little things can make someone smile and feel loved just as much at the big grand gestures.

So from my little corner of the world to wherever you find yourself, happy love day.

You are loved, you are known and you matter. The world is a better place with you in it.

Sending hugs & smiles,



