When I set myself the resolution to travel to a different place every month this year, I didn’t quite realise what I was signing myself up for. I love travel, so it seemed like a healthy challenge. To encourage myself to step up the adventures a notch, just a little more than I had done in previous years. What I expected was one thing, what I received was another.

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Because of my schedule working out for May, I was able to fly to Naples to meet up with Anna, Aimee and Jay for a few days amidst their european adventure. Thats one of the main things I love about being based on this side of the world, everything is so close and easy to get to. Due to this, getting to Italy is a pretty straight forward task. You can either fly there direct or get the train. I ended up doing a combination of the two. Flying from London to Rome worked out better with flight options and departure times so connected through there onto the train to Naples central via Rome central. Turned out to be far easier than I was expecting. I love it when a plan comes together.

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Well friends, it official. I’m in love. I’ve been back from Amsterdam for a little while now and I can’t stop thinking about the the good times. From the cafes spotted with sunlight, to the canals that create a maze to be discovered – I am completely in love with this city. Annie and I headed there at the beginning of May to catch the last part of the tulip season at Keukenhof, we were not disappointed, it was even better than when I was there last year.

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Arriving into Aberdeen was not what I expected at all. The airport is similar in size to the domestic ones back home and as long as you can understand the thick Scottish accent, getting the bus into the centre of town is pretty straight forward. I could not…just a slight problem. The result of this was me having to fake my way the exchange, pretending to understand everything the guy was telling me. Its very entertaining to think about it now. I’ve discovered in those moments all you can do is just go with it and hope for the best. It is an adventure after all…right?

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From what I had heard from fellow travellers, I was either going to love or hate Venice. Arriving there, its very easy to see why people had said this. The hype and expectation of the city can sometimes overtake the reality of what you see and experience. For me, it was love at first sight…or first water taxi. I had a vague idea of what to expect on arrival into Venice, but only from friends travel stories and what I’ve seen on pinterest.

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Krakow (and more importantly Auschwitz-Birkenau) had been on my travel list for a while now. Ever since I had my eyes (and mind) opened in Berlin to the horrific events that took place, I have been wanting to put more of the pieces together by visiting them. Krakow was on Melissa’s travel list also, so we combined forces for the trip.

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Hello again everyone! The trip to Bavaria was to be the first one of 2016. One of my new years resolutions this year (among the many), is to travel to a different place every month. Challenge accepted my friends…and you all get to come along for the journey! This trip was a ‘girls getaway’ with Annie and Melissa to Germany. Not only see a different part of the country itself, but also to tick another sight off my ‘travel dream list’….Neuschwanstein Castle. It is just as stunning as the pictures suggest, but more on that later.

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Landing into Saskatoon is always one of my favourites…especially in winter. Everything is blanketed in snow and it feels so magical. I landed into Saskatoon via Toronto (after being in New York for a few days) and was meet by my cousin Tim. Thank goodness he is well aware of my ‘love of snow’…We exited the terminal after baggage claim and were met with a snowfall! Hello Canada, I love you. The moments that preceded this were very undignified on my part…jumping up and down and saying “Its snowing! Tim, it’s snowing”! Yep, i’m a classy one.

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Hello again everyone! As of a few months ago, I have started a ‘travel dream list’. This simply consists of places or activities in the world that I would like to visit. The main point to this trip was to tick off one of these from my new list. Ice skating in central park. It has been in the back of my mind for a while now and due to having a few days available it seemed like it was meant to be. Now friends, if you haven’t been to New York City yet, do yourselves a favour. Get another cup of tea and work out your next available annual leave. You will not be disappointed! NYC will always be one of my favourite places, so much so that I have a tendency to visit it every year.

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Hello everyone and welcome back. Im back dating these blog posts a little so Im starting in December last year to try and catch up a bit…so here we go! Annie and I headed to Basel for an early birthday (for Annie) and Christmas trip. Neither of us really knew what to expect apart from what a google image search showed us…hello adventure! Everything was booked two days before departure, which is becoming more and more common for us…we think it adds to the fun.

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