Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

North America

D06 M04

Landing into Saskatoon is always one of my favourites…especially in winter. Everything is blanketed in snow and it feels so magical. I landed into Saskatoon via Toronto (after being in New York for a few days) and was meet by my cousin Tim. Thank goodness he is well aware of my ‘love of snow’…We exited the terminal after baggage claim and were met with a snowfall! Hello Canada, I love you. The moments that preceded this were very undignified on my part…jumping up and down and saying “Its snowing! Tim, it’s snowing”! Yep, i’m a classy one.

IMG_5391My time in Saskatoon central was great. There’s been quite a bit of development since I was there last, so spent some time wandering around to get my bearings again and checking out the new sights. The main part of town with these changes is around 20th Street West. There are some great new little shops and cafes that are totally worth a visit. A couple of my faves is Hardpressed Print Studio and Soul Paper. Hardpressed is a local apparel printing company with clever designs and super soft fabrics! Soul Paper is a boutique stationary store (take note paper fans) with cute writing sets and art supplies appropriate for every kind of creative.

In terms of cafes there a few to choose from. Coffee collective has a great vibe to it and the barista’s know their stuff! With an industrial aesthetic and a great soundtrack, it’s one of my faves in the city. Another cafe just down the road is Drift Sidewalk cafe. Its only a block from the river and can sit outside when the weather is warm enough. If your looking for something fast, go no further than Tim Hortons. Its like Starbucks, but ten times better! Now, dear friends, if you have never heard of the goodness that is ‘tim bits’, listen in. These magical morsels are (simply put), the centre of donuts. Oh yes…and they are just as amazing as you can imagine. They come in every standard donut flavour and are bite size…perfection? I believe so.


Saskatoon will always be stunning in winter. It is beautiful simplicity about it with everything covered in snow and Christmas lights. Walking down by the river is also a highlight and I would highly recommend it. I was lucky enough to see the whole waterfront covered in a ‘hoar frost’. It is formed in clear still weather when frozen water vapour settles on trees, fences etc. The result is a postcard picture.


Another perk of the cold weather is ice skating. To make this even better, its free and located beside the river! Make sure to dress warm for this one though. Over December it can gets pretty cold…make sure you pack warm gloves…otherwise you may return from you holiday with frost bite (not the memories you’re going for). Some of my favourite memories were spent at the ice rink with the snow falling down…a total dream!


IMG_5434After spending a few days in Saskatoon, Tim and I drove to spend Christmas with the rest of the family.  Tim and I always have great road trip adventures. Lots of music and singing and most importantly…Tim Hortons. Lots of Tim Hortons. Thank goodness they have a 40 pack of Timbits. It was so great to see the cousins again after it being a few years since my last visit. This trip I was taught by my cousins a very important life skill…how to make a gingerbread house. Turns out, its a little more complicated than it seems. Balance and a lot of icing is key. They are also delicious when you get to dismantle them on Boxing day! The remainder of my time there was spent relaxing and catching up with family…lots of board games, movies and laughter. The perfect end to a Christmas holiday.

Sending hugs and smiles,


December 19th-29th 2015


WestJet YYZ-YXE & Air Canada YXE-YYC/YYC-LHR